7 Workplace Trends for 2024: Take a look at what’s in.

In the ever-evolving workplace landscape, staying ahead of the curve is essential for businesses to thrive. This year's trend is for organizations to focus more on how the office can support employee needs rather than the number of employees working there. As we enter 2024, new trends are set to redefine how we work, collaborate, and innovate.

Here are the 7 rising workplace trends to look for in 2024:

1.      In: Flexibility and adaptability in workspaces. | Out: Traditional, rigid 9-to-5 office structures.

The workplace has long been changed since the pandemic. Now, employees have the freedom to choose to work in or out of the office in search of spaces that support their needs, from quiet spaces to collaborative and technology-friendly spaces. The hybrid work model is here to stay in 2024, but many will continue to push for in-person experiences to make it worth the commute and build company culture where people can learn, grow, and feel accomplished. These spaces are needed more than ever now, ensuring a work environment that caters to the varied preferences and requirements of all employees. It’s a matter of how employers can provide an adaptable workspace for all.

2.      In: Integration of VR/AR for immersive meetings. | Out: Conventional video conferencing tools.

The integration of VR and AR for immersive meetings will continue to rise in workplace settings to enhance team collaboration, brainstorming sessions, and shared virtual workspaces. The ability to create these immersive experiences is not only helpful to designers but also helps with onboarding new hires, training opportunities, providing virtual tours to international clients, and optimizing 3D models to present all angles.

3.      In: Well-being programs addressing mental health. | Out: Neglecting mental health and overall well-being.

It is important to destigmatize mental health in the workplace and promote a culture that encourages open conversations, support systems, and clear access to professional resources. A supportive work environment contributes to the overall well-being of employees. Happier employees make a happier work experience and collectively get work done. The workplace is not just about having an onsite gym but more about creating spaces to connect, recharge, and have an overall positive impact on employees.

4.      In: Eco-friendly office spaces and sustainable business practices. | Out: Indifference towards environmental impact.

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As it remains prevalent in today’s climate, sustainable design is no longer an option but an obligation to our planet, and it starts with us - designing workspaces with sustainability at the forefront. The workplace of the future starts with not only smart technology but also pushing for sustainable design resources to increase the quality of our global community. Sustainability doesn’t always mean eco-friendly furniture but prioritizing natural lighting, pushing recycling initiatives, natural ventilation, and effective heating control systems. There is so much office spaces can do to better support eco-friendly business practices, from selecting materials produced with minimal emissions and eco-friendly materials to implementing reduce, reuse, and recycle strategies within the company culture, and much more.

5.      In: AI-powered tools | Out: Manual, time-consuming processes without AI integration.

As the rise of AI resources is becoming a focus in today’s workplace, 2024 will be the year many companies will start to push out tools to reduce the time spent on tasks and increase available time to focus on strategic planning and the company's success. These AI-powered tools will be common as companies move towards a more efficient way to organize and analyze data, generate content, and automate simple daily tasks. This wave of new AI technology was only available to a niche industry, now every organization has some level of access to an AI tool to better improve work quality in less time and at a lower cost.

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6.      In: Continuous learning programs for skill development. | Out: Static skill sets with no emphasis on ongoing learning.

In today’s evolving professional world, the static skill set is becoming more outdated, and many organizations are focusing on providing workspaces that encourage continuous learning programs for individuals to expand their knowledge, enhance their professional growth and increase overall job satisfaction. Promoting a learning environment ensures that employees stay relevant in this rapidly evolving job market and helps employers retain top talent by prioritizing their personal and professional growth.

7.      In: Creating diverse and inclusive environments. | Out: One size fits all

Providing practical strategies to foster inclusivity from hiring practices, diversity training, and creating groups to support employees of all backgrounds is a non-negotiable for 2024. It is important that organizations are actively working towards diversity and inclusion to create a workspace where every individual feels valued, included and supported.

The commercial workplace of 2024 is set to be a dynamic and innovative space, driven by what's in and what's out. By embracing the trends that are shaping the future and leaving behind outdated practices, businesses can create work environments that inspire creativity, collaboration, and success. As we navigate the evolving landscape, the key lies in adaptability and a forward-thinking approach to ensure a thriving commercial workplace that is focused more on the people who utilize it everyday.

Read more about Gensler’s 10 Workplace Trends for 2024.


Workplace Well-Being: Building a Supportive environment for Employees
